Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pope Has No Problem With Hypocrisy

Well, the current Pope of the Catholic Church has demonstrated that one of his most cherished values is hypocrisy. He has just sent a letter to Irish Catholics apologizing to the people there for the way the Irish church mishandled and covered up cases of child abuse by priests in that country.

Of course he doesn't apologize for any culpability the Vatican had in the many cover-ups, and he also hasn't asked for the removal of those who covered up the dastardly crimes. He couldn't really do that without tendering his own resignation, since he was also guilty of covering up the same kind of crimes against children while an Archbishop in Germany.

While he was an Archbishop, it came to light that at least one priest in his diocese had been sexually abusing children. He did not report this to authorities. Instead, he covered it up and transferred the priest to Munich for therapy, and allowed him to go on having contact with innocent children. Just a few years later, that priest was discovered to again have been sexually abusing children.

The Pope must assume responsibility for the sex crimes committed against these German children. If he had acted appropriately when he first learned of the priest's pedophilia, the later sex crimes could (and should) have been prevented.

I just have one question. When is the Pope going to apologize for his own grievous sins -- of covering up the sex abuse of children and allowing the abuse to continue? Considering his own involvement in these crimes, wasn't the apology to the Irish people more than a little hypocritical?

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