Friday, March 12, 2010

School Board Cancels Prom Over Same-Sex Couple

The right-wing fundamentalists have shown us once again that they cannot stand the idea that someone might actually have fun and display their own individualism. They clutch their Bibles and freak out if anyone refuses to stay within their own narrow bounds of propriety. Take for instance the Itawamba County School Board in Mississippi.

This school board exceeded their authority by passing out rules for the school prom. One of those rules was that there could be no same-sex couples at the prom. After all, that could make some students "uncomfortable". Good Grief! These are students about to graduate and enter the big bad world. I would think it's about time they grew up and learned how to deal with an "uncomfortable" situation like adults (and I don't mean the pseudo-adults on the school board).

One student at the Itawamba County Agricultural High School did not think the school board's rules were fair. Constance McMillen, an 18 year-old lesbian student, asked that she be allowed to bring her girlfriend to the prom as her date, and that she be allowed to wear a tuxedo to the prom. She was denied that right, and contacted the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The ACLU contacted the school board and notified them of Miss McMillen's rights -- which they were violating. They told the board that not allowing same-sex couples violated student rights and not allowing McMillen to wear a tuxedo violated her right of free expression. Oh, the horror!

So what did the school board do? They did the unimaginable. To keep one same-sex couple from coming to the prom, they punished ALL the students by canceling the April 2nd prom completely. There will be no prom, but at least the school board's archaic sensibilities will not be offended and no student will be "uncomfortable" at the sight of a lesbian couple.

They probably think they are protecting some kind of "value", but in reality they are teaching that discrimination and bigotry are acceptable values in their community. This reaction could probably have been predicted. Look at their non-discrimination policy:

"The Itawamba County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability in the provision of educational programs and services or employment opportunities and benefits."

Notice anything missing from that policy -- like sexual orientation. I guess they don't feel any obligation to provide an education or services to a student with a different sexual orientation than their own. Judging from their actions, that comes as no surprise.


  1. Wouldn't canceling the prom just give the ACLU even more ammunition? They were in the wrong, and should have just given up. They created even more trouble for themselves now.

  2. You're right Chris. I believe they're now being sued for canceling the prom.

  3. Can't say they don't deserve it. The bad part is that the money lost will come out of the budget meant for educating children, instead of coming out of the pockets of those bigots running the show.

  4. Yellowdog Granny-
    I inadvertently deleted your excellent comment and can't retrieve it. I profusely apologize for hitting the wrong button and hope you will forgive me.


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