Saturday, April 17, 2010

2010 Census Returns Lags Behind 2000

Well, the census return figures are still behind where they were 10 years ago, and Texas figures are even lower than the national figures. Ten years ago the nation returned about 72% of the mailed out forms, but this year they have only returned about 69%. Here in Texas, about 64% of the forms have been mailed back, compared to 68% in 2000. At least the figures are not as far behind the numbers for 2000 as they were two or three weeks ago.

Sadly, there have been some on the far right who have been trying to disrupt the census. People like Glenn Beck and Michele Bachmann have publicly stated that they only filled out part of the form and left the rest blank. It seems strange to me that these are the same people who want our government to spend less, and yet they are forcing the government to spend more just to get them properly counted.

If you mailed your form back in, then you cost the government 42 cents. But if you did not mail it in, or only partially filled it out, then the government must spend about $57 dollars to send a census worker out to your home. And if you refuse to answer their questions, you will only incur further costs as they will then talk to your neighbors, and if necessary, go and check on you through public records. Don't forget, the census is not an option but is mandated by the United States Constitution.

Whether you cooperate or not, you will be properly counted and all questions answered. By not cooperating, all you are doing is forcing the government to take more time and spend more money to do it. How does that contribute to the government saving money, or the idea of a smaller government? It obviously doesn't.

In fact, the government is going to have to spend about $1 billion a month in May and June just to count those who didn't send the form by mail, or who only partially completed the form. Just think, if we had all complied and mailed back our forms, we could have saved the government a couple of billion dollars.

Personally, I think the right-wingers and teabaggers who refused to mail their form back, or who refused to fully complete the form, have given up their right to complain about the government spending too much money.

1 comment:

  1. Kentucky was reported to be ahead of where they were last time.

    I don't get the far right's objection to a census. After all wasn't that why the holy family was in Bethlehem! I'm always hearing how "christian" they are.

    I figure it's because they are all tax dodgers in some way and they're afraid they'll be found.


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