Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Candidate For "Worst Dad Of The Year"

There are all kinds of fathers in the world -- some good, some bad, and a whole lot of us doing the best we can. But if we licensed parents, this is a jerk that should lose his license immediately. I can't believe what he did to his children just for a little of his own self-gratification.

Michael Galloway of McKinney (about 30 miles north of Dallas) evidently felt an unshakable desire to go to a strip joint, so he drove to Dallas and did just that. Normally, I wouldn't care about anyone going to a strip joint. It's not my cup of tea, but each to his own. The problem is that Galloway was babysitting his two children -- a 3 year-old and a nine month-old.

So what does this mental midget do? He locks the very young children in his car and goes on in the strip club! It's bad enough just to leave two children that young locked in a car, but to do it in a part of town where strip clubs are located (almost always a seedy area rife with undesirables) is inexcusable.

Fortunately, this idiot parked his car illegally and a tow truck was called to remove it. The tow truck driver found the children and called the police. The police went into the strip club, found the father and arrested him. He was taken to the county jail, where he awaits posting a $10,000 bond after being charged with Child Endangerment.

The man claimed he had only been inside the strip club for twenty minutes (although I can't see how that lessens his crime). However, club employees said he had been drinking inside the club for at least an hour. Frankly, I'm flabbergasted at this fools stupidity and lack of interest in the welfare of the children.

It's probably a good thing I don't live in Dallas, because this a-hole wouldn't want me on his jury! I can only hope the court comes down on him hard enough to make sure this never happens again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no great fan of CPS, but they should take the kids and throw Mom in with Dad if simply for procreating with the stupid twit.


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