Sunday, June 06, 2010

Boehner Demands McCartney Apology

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) shows us once again that he doesn't believe the same rules should apply to Republicans and Democrats. According to Boehner's way of thinking, anything can be said and any false accusation made against a Democrat (including President Obama), but even a fairly innocuous remark about a Republican must have an apology. His party "skin" appears to be exceptionally thin.

Last week, President Obama gave British musician and former Beatle Paul McCartney (pictured) a well-deserved and prestigious award -- the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. After the ceremony McCartney made a joke saying, "After the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is." The remark was obviously a shot at George Bush, but it was a rather tame one and even contained a bit of truth.

But the Minority Leader was incensed at the remark. He said, "I have always had a good impression of Paul McCartney and thought of him as a classy guy, but I was surprised and disappointed by the lack of grace and respect he displayed at the White House. I hope he'll apologize to the American people for his conduct which demeaned him, the White House and President Obama."

What a ridiculous statement and demand. McCartney's statement did not demean the White House or President Obama. In fact, it was a compliment for Obama. And I doubt anyone but the most die-hard Bush apologists (who are few in numbers) think McCartney owes anyone an apology. As for "lack of grace and respect", McCartney still has a long way to go to catch up with Boehner and his buddies.

When you consider the vicious and sometimes racist remarks Boehner's teabagger buddies have made about President Obama, the demand for an apology for McCartney's rather tame statement seems even more ludicrous. Why hasn't Boehner demanded an apology for any of those statements? The answer is obvious -- they were made about a Democrat.

Boehner may think he's scoring political points with his stupid demand, but he's just revealing himself as a mean-spirited party hack. And I would suggest he not hold his breath for that apology.

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