Saturday, July 17, 2010

Liberal / Conservative

Another bit of wisdom from the devious mind of Yellowdog Granny.


  1. "Liberal...Generous...Conservative-Stingy..."

    Well, as it turns out, not so much:

    "Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, 'Who Really Cares,' cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals."

    "Other research has reached similar conclusions. The 'generosity index' from the Catalogue for Philanthropy typically finds that red states are the most likely to give to nonprofits, while Northeastern states are least likely to do so."

  2. I don't doubt your statistics because most of the wealth in this country is controlled by conservatives. I do however believe that their giving is dictated more by the taxes they save by doing so than a desire to be philanthropic.

  3. And I don't doubt that liberals are generous...with other peoples' money!

  4. "I don't doubt your statistics because most of the wealth in this country is controlled by conservatives."

    Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, the Kennedys, all those Hollywood stars - all conservatives, right?

    "I do however believe that their giving is dictated more by the taxes they save by doing so than a desire to be philanthropic."

    And I believe that most liberal politicians' generosity with our taxes is motivated more by the votes they can buy than by philanthropy.

  5. Come on, CT. Do you really doubt that most of the rich are conservatives?

  6. I've never met a

  7. "I've never met a"

    Quite true, Yellow Dog Granny. All the smart Republicans that I know, by virtue of their conservative work ethic, have applied themselves and done quite well.

    "Smart" Democrats, on the other, often suffer from the dreaded disease of "affluenzia" and refuse to succeed for fear of being labeled "stingy, miserly, regressive, Narrow-Minded, Reationary, Bigoted, Prejudiced, Biased" by their liberal friends.

    Democrats are the only people I know that consider underachieving and dependence on the government a badge of honor.

    Democrats measure compassion by how many people are partaking of government programs.

    Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need to.

    Democrats say, "You can't make it without the help of the government."

    Republicans say, "I've made it, and you can too."

    To be sure, there are some people who simply can't fend for themselves (the severely disabled, mentally challenged, etc.), but as a country, and as individuals (myself included), we aren't anywhere near reaching our full potential.

  8. I have yet to know a "liberal" who comes across with any of Roget's handy terms as the MODERN definition of liberal. Most likely this is the original verbal meaning, and a more handy moniker for the nasty people who have appropriated the term "liberal" would be "statist"--for that is the majority of the lavish part.

    Conservatives are said to be idiots, and yet control the plupart of wealth? Wow. Mother Nature really has an ugly sense of humor. All this nabobs of power and money and yet they are narrow-minded dumbbunnies.


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