Thursday, July 01, 2010

A Note From Hector Uribe To All Texans

For those of you who may not know, Hector Uribe is the Democratic candidate for Texas Land Commissioner. He is the only candidate that believes that Texas public lands should be used for the benefit of all Texans and not just a privileged few. For instance, the current Republican holding this office is trying to sell off the publicly-owned Christmas Mountains (which border Big Bend National Park) to a private person. He is doing this in spite of the fact that Texas promised when given this land that it would remain public and available for use by the general public.

While the current Land Commissioner doesn't respect the promises made by our state, Mr. Uribe does. Regardless of party affiliation (or lack of affiliation), if you believe Texas should honor its promises and keep public lands in the hands of the public then you really should vote for Hector Uribe this coming November.

I support Mr. Uribe's candidacy. Therefore I bring you his latest letter to Texans. Here is what he has to say:

Hi, I’m Hector Uribe and I want to protect some of the state’s most precious resources: our land, air and water, but I can’t do it without you.

Having served almost a decade in the Texas Senate and three years in the Texas House, I hope to put my extensive experience to work for you. Many Tejanos, like myself, are sixth and seventh generation, whose families have shaped our state. Whether we spend our Friday nights cheering for the McAllen Mustangs, Abilene Eagles or San Saba Armadillos, we stand on the same principles. We work hard to leave a better life for our families. That’s why I’m running for Texas Land Commissioner.

Texas should be a leader in renewable energy, and we could do so forever, or for as long as the wind keeps blowing and the sun keeps shining. The technology to harness wind and solar power is widely available, yet the state leadership in Austin is only now beginning to talk about it. I don’t know what’s worse, the danger of Texas losing its role as the world’s energy leader, or the current administration being okay with that. We can do better.

Since 1854, Texas schools have benefited from General Land Office investments, which eventually included the lease of drilling rights for oil and gas production on state lands. The General Land Office has deposited nearly $7 billion into the Permanent School Fund which has been distributed to school districts and helped offset local property taxes. It’s no secret that on the oil and gas front, our best days are behind us, but we no longer have to choose between our economy and the environment.

Energy markets don’t develop themselves. We have the wind. We have the sun. What we need is the leadership. Your investment in my campaign is a step towards renewable energy sources. At stake is the Permanent School Fund. I am reaching out to my community of Lone Star Democrats, whose contributions have always been critical to my success and who understand that education is our ticket to progress. So, this race really comes down to protecting our most precious resource of all: our children.


Hector Uribe
Candidate for Land Commissioner

If you can afford to donate a little money to help elect a good Land Commissioner and save Texas' public lands, I urge you to go here and do so. It doesn't have to be much. Every little bit will help.

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