Friday, July 02, 2010

Seliger Heads Redistricting Committee

In a recent post I lamented the fact that the two Texas House committees that are starting to study redistricting don't have a single member from the Panhandle on them and haven't scheduled any visits to the Panhandle. It was as though the voters living in the Panhandle would not be able to make their voices heard on this very important issue.

But that may have been somewhat rectified. The Texas Senate has now chosen their own redistricting committee and the person appointed to chair that committee is from Amarillo -- Senator Kel Seliger (pictured). This committee will also be touring the state to get voter input, and although the cities to be visited have not yet been determined, it is expected that the Panhandle will be included.

Seliger is a Republican and the committee is heavily weighted with Republicans (7 Republicans and 4 Democrats), but the public hearings will be open to everyone interested. I urge area Democrats to attend and make sure their voices are heard. Redistricting is one of the most important things the next legislature will do and it will affect all our lives for at least the next ten years.

This is also an excellent reason to elect more Democrats to the legislature in November. It is within reach of Democrats to secure a majority in the House, and that would assure that another unfair redistricting doesn't take place like happened a few years ago at the urging of Tom DeLay.

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