Friday, July 16, 2010

Still Not Missed

In the last few months there have been some right-wingers engaging in a billboard campaign that has a picture of George Bush and asks "Do you miss me yet?" These people must be insane if they think the American people can forget the incredible incompetence and criminal actions of George Bush (and Dick Cheney) in less than two years. It's going to take far longer than that -- if indeed it ever happens.

America may be deeply divided over whether President Obama is doing the right thing or not, but very few want to return to the disastrous policies of George Bush. A lot of people are like me. I voted for President Obama (and will probably do so again in a couple of years), but I have not been happy with everything he has done. I personally wanted to see a lot more change than has actually been delivered.

But disagreeing with the president certainly doesn't mean I would want a return to the days of Bush. Even though I have some disagreements with President Obama, there is no question that he's a thousand times better than George Bush. And I'm not alone in that opinion according to a new poll.

A poll done by Time magazine shows that a solid 61% of Americans still blame George Bush for the current recession, while only 27% blame Barack Obama (less than the number of self-identified Republicans). And this is after a year and a half of continuous right-wing propaganda trying to lay the blame at Obama's feet. Obviously the American people are not as stupid as the Republicans hoped they would be.

When given a choice in the poll between Barack Obama and George Bush, the poll respondents chose Obama hands down. About 53% chose President Obama, while only 33% would like to have Bush back. That doesn't sound like anyone but diehard right-wingers are missing Bush. The majority of the American people certainly aren't.


  1. I think this campaign is great for anyone who wants Republicans to stay out of office. By reminding the voters of what Bush did for America, we should be in very good shape.


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