Monday, July 12, 2010

Unemployed Have Greater Health Problems

Recently the Republicans in the U.S. Congress (especially the Senate) have acted to prevent those who are unemployed due to the recession their policies caused from receiving extended unemployment benefit payments. They have also stalled and are trying to prevent more government money being spent on a stimulus program to create new jobs.

It is obvious that these hard-hearted Republican policies have seriously harmed the financial well-being of many families in this country. But now it comes to light that may not be the only harm they have brought to these unfortunate people. These policies which prevent a solution to the unemployment problem may also be creating more health problems among the jobless.

A recent Gallup Poll (conducted April 19th through July 6th of a random sample of 3,772 unemployed adults) shows that those who have been unemployed for over six months have significantly higher health problems. Those 18-29 year-olds who have been out of work for over 6 months actually experience 200% more sick days a month than those who are employed. For the 30-49 year-olds the figure is a little lower -- only 56% more sick days (still a significant figure).

In addition, the poll found the following about those unemployed at least six months (as compared to the employed):

13% less felt well-rested
14% less had the energy to get things done
18% more experienced physical pain
4% more had headaches

6% less felt well-rested
6% less had the energy to get things done
6% more experienced physical pain
4% more had headaches

One interesting thing that came out of the survey is that among 50-65 year-olds there is little to no difference in the health problems experienced by those who were employed and those who had been out of work for over six months. I suspect that this group of older Americans have been around long enough to have experienced more of the unfairness of our corporate-ruled system of business and government and no longer expect it to be fair or just.

But whether it's the financial or health problems we are talking about, it is obvious to all but the most thick-headed that the loss of 12 to 15 million jobs in our economy has created serious problems for our country -- problems that will not be solved by the mean-spirited policies of the Republican Party.

It is time that this country get serious about job creation and spend the money necessary to do it (and realize that simply cutting taxes for the rich does nothing to create jobs). And we need to extend unemployment benefits in the short-term until significant job creation begins to take place. It's the decent thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. "It is time that this country get serious about job creation and spend the money necessary to do it (and realize that simply cutting taxes for the rich does nothing to create jobs)."

    What's your solution to fixing unemployment, Ted?


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