Friday, August 20, 2010

Most Dangerous Jobs

There were 4,340 people killed on the job in 2009. That sounds like a lot of people to me, but the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that's actually 16.8% fewer people than were killed on the job in 2008. And in fact, it's the lowest death rate on the job ever reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- 3.3 deaths for every 100,000 workers. Of course the lower death rate could just as easily be due to the fact that there are a few million less workers rather than safer working conditions (especially the total number of deaths).

It does bring one question to mind. What are the most dangerous jobs in this country? Well, CNN has answered that question for us. Listed below are the 10 most dangerous jobs in America (with the amount of deaths for each 100,000 workers in parentheses):

1. Commercial fisherman (200).....median wage $23,600
2. Logger (61.8).....median wage $34,440
3. Airplane pilot (57.1).....median wage $106,240
4. Farmers and ranchers (35.8).....median wage $32,350
5. Roofers (34.7).....median wage $33,970
6. Ironworkers (30.3).....median wage $44,500
7. Sanitation worker (25.2).....median wage$32,070
8. Industrial machinist (18.5).....median wage $39,600
9. Truckers & sales delivery drivers (18.3).....median wage $37,730
10. Construction laborer (18.3).....median wage $29,150

This list highlights some troubling things. First, for me, is the very low wages that people do these dangerous jobs for. Remember, these are not minimum incomes but median incomes. That means that many workers do these jobs for much less than the listed salary (which does nothing to lessen the danger).

Second, it is a bit surprising that policemen and firemen are not on this list. I think most people in this country normally consider those to be very dangerous professions, and because of that perception, they make more money than most of the jobs listed (even here in Texas and the South where wages are notoriously low).

I was also kind of surprised that convenience store employees didn't make the list. In many areas of this country these near minimum-wage workers might as well wear a target on their chest -- thanks to the high crime rate and the ease with which criminals can get guns.

It may be the way of the world, but somehow it doesn't seem quite right that the people who work the most dangerous jobs get barely-livable wages while those in much safer jobs are getting rich off their labor.

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