Monday, August 23, 2010

NBC Rates The Governor Races This Year

The political pundits at NBC News have put out their forecast for this year's governor races in the United States. Although things could still change between now and November (about two and a half months), this is how they see things standing right now. For me, there were a couple of surprises.

First is the race in Minnesota. They rate it as a toss-up between Democrat Mark Dayton and Republican Tom Emmer. Emmer is the nutty teabagger who wants to cut wages for anyone who receives tips. He also wants to pass a law that says Minnesota can nullify any federal law it doesn't like (which would clearly be unconstitutional). I really don't see the people of Minnesota electing this crazy gasbag.

The other is the race in Texas. They rate the state as only leans Republican (instead of probable Republican or solid Republican). I would have put it in the probable Republican category, but maybe they know something I don't. Maybe Blue Dog Bill White has more chance than I thought. He is a conservative (sadly), so maybe this conservative state is tired of Rick Perry and willing to elect another conservative (even if he calls himself a Democrat). This is not something that should thrill the national party though, since Blue Dog Bill can't be expected to support any truly progressive ideas.

In addition I would move Oklahoma to solid Republican (or at least probable Republican). In the current political climate I just can't see them electing any Democrat. I would also move Georgia and Florida from toss-up to leans Republican. And California, Massachusetts and New Mexico should be moved from toss-up to leans Democrat. But that's just my personal opinion at this time.

Anyway, here is how NBC currently rates all the contests:

California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Vermont

Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Oregon

Iowa, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas


Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, South Carolina, Nevada, Tennessee

Arkansas, New Hampshire, New York

Alaska, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe Blue Dog Bill White has more chance than I thought."

    Or it could mean that you're right, and the NBC News forecasts unrealistically favor Democrats, either specifically in Texas or across the board.

    I guess we'll find out in 71 days.


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