Sunday, August 01, 2010

Welcome To Arizona

Political Cartoon is by Bob Englehart in The Hartford Courant.


  1. Ted-

    How do you feel about this law?

    "Personal possession of registration or receipt card; penalties: Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both."

  2. ...all the more absurdist due to the nation's top lawyer, the idiot Eric Holder, not even having read the law before passing judgement to the effect that it's "racist" for a state to enforce federal law. Which is an odd assertion, as one might go so far as to question that if law exists only on the books, is there really a law for states to even break?

    Oh well. As far as ID requirements, that TOO is (or, err, used to be) federal law. Perhaps Holder needs to check on that. Someone should send him the memo over morning coffee.

    Seems that "ID" of this or that is actually quite common in modern America. I have one called "Drivers License", and it seems all 50 states issues them. And there there is the ubiquitous SS number.

    ...and yet even after all this, the main "guts" of the AZ law were only to be applied for "incidental" issues like the commission of a crime or probably cause, etc.

  3. Bravo, WT, for recognizing my quote as federal law (8 U.S.C. §1304(e) to be exact).

    So much for all the propaganda about the Arizona law being a Nazi-esque "Papers, please!" statute. The fact of the matter is, aliens in this country are required by federal law to carry papers with them at all times - and have been since the 1940's.

    Another flawed argument on the Left is that we can't have state and local jurisdictions creating a hodge podge of immigration laws that are contrary to federal law. SB-1070 was drafted to closely mirror federal statutes. On the other hand, "sanctuary cities" defiantly stand in direct opposition to federal law.

    When was the last time anyone on the Left criticized San Francisco or other cities for ignoring federal immigration law?

  4. Nice try fellas, but the federal law doesn't require American citizens to carry ID - just aliens. But Arizona 1070 requires everyone to prove citizenship or go to jail. Not the same at all.

  5. "But Arizona 1070 requires everyone to prove citizenship or go to jail."

    Here's a link to SB-1070 (amended by HB-2162). Please cite the page and line number(s) where this is stated.


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