Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Arizona's Racist Law - Created From Fear ?

If you're like me, you've been wondering why the people of Arizona approved in large part of the recent passage of their racist law that would virtually mandate the police profiling of Hispanics in the state (if it can pass muster in the federal courts). Are there really that many racists in Arizona, or is there a deeper reason for such a mean-spirited law?

I think the chart pictured above from the excellent website Racism Review can give us a clue. If you will note that the older the age group on the chart the higher the percentage of Whites there is. But that changes radically as the age goes down. And when you look at those aged 10 or less, the Hispanics outnumber the Whites. The chart clearly shows that, while it may take a while to happen, the day is coming when Hispanics will outnumber the Whites in Arizona.

While there is obviously a racist factor in the passage of the new law, there is also another insidious factor operating here -- fear of change. Whites currently control the state and they are comfortable with that. But they can see the handwriting on the wall. Unless something is done, and done quickly, there is a coming Hispanic majority. This would have huge political and cultural ramifications.

Are the Whites afraid that when that day comes they will be treated as badly as they have treated Hispanics? Probably. It's an irrational fear, but I believe it's a real fear. It would make a lot more sense to take action to make sure everyone is treated equally today -- then they wouldn't have to fear the future. But that would require the demolition of "white privilege" and that's a hard thing for many Whites to accept.

We can expect more of these nasty and mean-spirited laws in the future -- not only in Arizona, but in many other states. It looks like Whites will still be kicking and screaming when they finally give up their majorities. That's a shame because there's really nothing to fear -- unless you're a racist.

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