Saturday, September 04, 2010

Levi Johnston Sets Record Low In Popularity

A few days ago I posted about Levi Johnston filing his intent with the state of Alaska to run for public office. A TV crew was with him when he filed and it is believed that they are trying to sell a reality television series about Johnston running for a city office in Wasilla -- possibly Sarah Palin's old job as mayor. I asked at that time whether this nut's 15 minute of fame wasn't already over.

It looks like I may have hit the nail on the head. Public Policy Polling decided to do a survey on Levi Johnston's popularity with Alaska voters (although I'd think PPP would have better ways to spend their time in an election year). The numbers they turned up for young Levi weren't just bad, they were downright embarrassing. As unpopular as he is, I'm surprised he can show his face in public.

The lowest favorability rating that PPP had ever recorded for anyone was a 15% favorability rating in a January 2010 North Carolina poll for John Edwards (which was well-deserved). The pollsters at PPP didn't think they'd ever see a rating lower than that. Even George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't get below the low 20's as unpopular as they were.

But John Edward's dismal record has been broken. Levi Johnston zoomed downward to set a new record low of a 6% favorability rating. The writers at PPP said they could probably get a 6% favorability rating for an unknown random person they picked off the street. In other words, Levi Johnston couldn't be any more unpopular than he currently is (it would take Hitler or Osama bin Laden to score lower). Here are the numbers:

Not sure...............22%

Not sure...............20%

Not sure...............24%

Not sure...............22%

It looks like Levi Johnston's political career may be over before he even got started. With numbers like that, he couldn't be elected town drunk. I guess the question I posed in my previous post has been answered -- his 15 minutes of fame are definitely over.

The poll also asked about the favorability of Johnston's almost-mother-in-law Sarah Palin. Her numbers aren't nearly as bad as Levi's, but they clearly show that Alaskans have had all they want of Palin. Surprisingly, President Obama's numbers are better among Alaskans than Palin's numbers. Here are the numbers for both:

Not sure...............7%

Not sure...............3%

Those are some pretty bad home state numbers for Sarah Palin.

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