Sunday, September 05, 2010

A Message From Hank Gilbert To The Voters

I want to work for you as the next Agriculture Commissioner for the state of Texas.

As a lifelong rancher and 5th generation Texan raising up a sixth generation in agriculture, I know the challenges facing the ag industry in Texas--as well as changes we need to make in state government to keep our food supply safe from the farm to the fork.

Over the past decade, opportunities to become the national leader in the production of non-food stock biofuels and to enact major reforms to strengthen the safety and security of our food supply have passed us by because the men and women who have held the post of Agriculture Commissioner cared more about political advancement than they did about innovations to help everyday Texans.

I'll be an Agriculture Commissioner who gets the job done for Texas.

I've already unveiled a sweeping and comprehensive reform plan for the Texas Department of Agriculture that will do more for farmers and ranchers while keeping our food supply safe, protecting consumers' pocketbooks at the gas pump and grocery store. You can learn more about the plan on my website or at

Our state needs an Agriculture Commissioner who will nurture innovation and seize every opportunity to advance Texas agricultural products, protect consumers, and keep our food supply safe. Our state need an Agriculture Commissioner who will stand up to eminent domain abuses as I have in my fight to stop the Trans-Texas Corridor.

I'm not a career politician. I'm a cattleman who knows it is time for a change in Texas.

Join our team. Visit our website. You will be part of a team that isn't about me or one political party, but about keeping Texans safe, protecting consumers, and making making our state energy independent. In Unity,

Hank Gilbert

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