Saturday, September 11, 2010

Voting Republican ?

I don't know if you are familar with the great blog called Margaret and Helen or not.   If you like straight talk with no beating around the bush and a great sense of humor, then you should definitely check it out.   I love it.

The other day one of these two marvelous ladies did a great post in which she talked about supporting and/or voting Republican.   I thought it was great and decided to post part of it here.   Here is what she had to say:

"There is just one thing I haven’t been able to figure out yet.  How many more groups of people does the Republican Party have to hate before its members finally call for a new platform?  Those signs they carry at their rallies are getting pretty full.  The print will have to be pretty small at the next Beck rally to fit God Hates Gays, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Clinton (him and her), the Liberal Media, Obama, Pelosi, French Fries, Activists Judges, Environmentalists, Feminists, Mexicans,  and small puppies.  Maybe they can just print up a sign that simply says God Hates Everyone Who Isn’t  Like Me.
If you vote Republican today, what exactly are you voting for?  It’s certainly not smaller government.  If you vote Republican today you are telling “Pastor” Terry Jones that fifty religious fanatics are more important than any chance for world peace.  You are telling  Sarah Palin that when it comes to the presidency - pretty is more important than smart.  You are telling Glenn Beck that honesty isn’t really necessary if you have your own cable news show on Fox.  You are telling Michele Bachmann that hearing voices in your head isn’t cause for alarm.  Hell, if you vote Republican today you might as well just shove a few more dollars in Rush Limbaugh’s pockets and a few more pills in his mouth.  It’s all very entertaining, I’ll give you that.  But considering what they did when we gave them the keys to the car the last time, are you really ready to put them behind the wheel again so soon?  I’m just not sure there are that many more countries we can bomb, world religions we can vilify and oil wells we can drill before the rest of the world calls us on our bullshit.

If the Democrats can’t muster enough votes to beat this bunch of yahoos then we deserve what we get on November 3rd."

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