Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dallas Morning News Supports Radnofsky For A.G.

If you're a Texan, then you probably know of the strongly Republican tradition of the Dallas Morning News (DMN).   Even back when Texas was a solidly Democratic state, the Morning News had a long history of supporting Republican candidates.   They have even come out in support of "Smokey" Joe Barton's re-election to Congress -- the congressman who apologized to BP because the federal government wanted them to clean up the oil they dumped into the Gulf of Mexico.  

That's why I prick up my ears when this largely right-wing newspaper endorses a Democrat for a statewide office, and that has happened a couple of times in this year's election.   A couple of weeks ago, the DMN wrote an editorial saying the best candidate for the Railroad Commission would be Democrat Jeff Weems, saying his knowledge and experience made him the best man for the job.   Now they are supporting a second Democrat -- Barbara Radnofsky for Attorney General.

Here is some of what they had to say about the race for Attorney General in Texas:

"Greg Abbott is the attorney general of Texas, but too often his gaze is fixed on Washington.

Abbott has made a habit of suing the federal government, filing or signing onto a series of longshot lawsuits that consume state resources and frequently putting Texas on the wrong side of consequential issues. The Republican incumbent says he's seeking re-election to fight back against dictates from the federal government.

But after eight years of Abbott, Texas can go no farther down this path.

Democratic challenger Barbara Ann Radnofsky offers a viable alternative. She's a smart, hard-nosed attorney who rightly suggests that the incumbent has done a poor job of picking battles.

Radnofsky, 54, ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in 2006. Now, as then, she sometimes struggles to strike the right tone on the campaign trail as she aggressively argues her case. But she also immerses herself in legal issues, devouring details and offering informed proposals.

Radnofsky earns our recommendation. She's well prepared for the job and would back off from battles the state can't win – and shouldn't be fighting. Voters should not give Abbott another four years to tilt at Washington's windmills."

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