Monday, November 08, 2010

Have The Cowboys Given Up ?

I just finished watching the Cowboys and the Packers, and it was painful.   The Cowboys got their butts handed to them by the Packers.   The final score was 45-7, and it could have been worse if the Green Bay coach had wanted to run the score up.   Fortunately he's got more class than that (and I thank him for that).

The Cowboys were nothing short of terrible tonight.   The offense couldn't score (or even make a first down), and the defense wasn't any better.   Frankly, it reminded me of the bad old days when our starting quarterback was Quincy Carter.   It looks like the season is as good as over since their record is now 1-7.   They would have to win the next eight games in a row just to finish over .500 (and that ain't gonna happen).

I would love to think things would be different if Tony Romo hadn't gotten hurt, but if you remember, they started the season at 1-4 with Romo at quarterback.   I had thought this was a pretty good football team before the season started, but good football teams aren't 1-7 with the season only half over.   It's getting time to admit this team just isn't as good as a lot of us thought they were.

I have been a defender of Coach Wade Phillips -- until tonight.   I still don't think he should be fired in mid-season, but this does need to be his last year as the coach of the Dallas Cowboys.   I say that because, as much as I hate to admit it as a die-hard fan, it really looked tonight like this is a team that has given up and was just going through the motions.

I'd be interested in what some of you readers think.   Have the Cowboys given up on this season?   Are they now just doing a job and going through the motions?   I hope not.   But I don't expect things to get any better against the Giants next week.

The only silver lining I can see in this very dark cloud is that the Cowboys will probably get a really high draft choice next Spring (and I know that's a sad comment to make with the season only half over).

P.S. -- Wouldn't Bill Cowher look good striding the Cowboys' sideline with a coach's clipboard next year?


  1. Cowboys played like they have no heart in the game anymore??? It seems like Wade doesnt care anymore either??

  2. Coach Phillips does sound like a man out of options.

  3. I think that they have given up. I think that there was a lot of pressure for them to go to the bowl this year and i dont think anyone wants them to so the refs are calling them on everything that they can and handing them the most severe penalty that they can and only calling the minimum calls on the other team, and the cowboys are probably feeling like we have everybody against us so were going to just detach from the game. they have emotionally and mentally detached from the game. just review the past games and you will see what i'm talking about!

  4. That was an embarrassing loss last night for the Cowboys! I know Jerry Jones previously stated that he wouldn’t fire a coach in the middle of the season, but WADE PHILLIPS NEEDS TO GO!

  5. know I have plenty of opinions..ha..
    first of all..jj is the problem as much as the team and the coaches.
    he's the one that pumped up the 'super bowl team' in the super bowl in texas..I think that put so much pressure on them. Plus everyone knows wade isn't a disciplinarian.I don't believe that is the problem so much as the team thinks they can just go out and the other team will fold cause they're playing the cowboys..and then they got that first win and thought 'well hell we got this in the bag..poof ..didn't happen..and each loss was worse and worse for them moral wise..and Wade was wandering around as my daddy would say 'with one thumb up his ass and the other in his mouth and all he does is switch thumbs.'..
    they need talent..they need a coach that will beat the shit out them with a jock strap if they don't play to their potential. that enough..I have more..ha

  6. Why would Cowher want to work for Jerry Jones? I want Jerry Jones to coach the team. I would buy season tickets to see his incompetent ass wearing a headset on the sidelines.


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