Saturday, December 11, 2010

Demand For Oil At New Record Level

The right-wing and corporate interests are playing a dangerous game in this country -- a game that could have drastic consequences worldwide.   They have put forth such a concerted publicity campaign to defeat any efforts to combat global climate change, that they seem to have convinced the American public that this is the only problem with the nation's (and world's) addiction to carbon-based fuels -- and that even this might not be true (in direct contrast to the views of more than 95% of the world's scientists).

The right-wing is pushing the view that all that needs to be done is to increase drilling (even in areas that could destroy our seas and national treasures) and everything will be all right.   This is a misguided and silly point of view and will cause serious damage to the environment of the entire world.   But there is another side of the world's addiction to oil they don't want to discuss, because there's no cure for it -- peak oil.

The fact is that there is not an unlimited supply of carbon-based fuels, especially oil.   It took millions of year's to make what is currently being pumped, and there is only so much of it that was made.   For over a hundred years now the world has been using ever larger quantities of oil, and many scientists believe we may be at or near the point of peak oil ( the point at which oil production will start to decrease no matter how much drilling is done).   Even the United States military believes we are fast approaching the point of peak oil, and they are studying what will happen when it happens (global warfare for the dwindling resource is a clear possibility).

The smart thing to do, while there is hopefully still time, is to take action to wean ourselves off of the limited resource through development of new (and renewable) energy resources, and the conservation of the remaining oil resources.   Sadly neither is happening at the level that is needed to insure a secure future for this nation (or any other).

There are some small efforts to find new energy resources, but not nearly enough (by either private companies or the government).   There was a time when it was considered impossible for man to set foot on the moon, but this country put forth a concerted and adequately-funded effort and did it in ten years.   There is no reason why the energy problem cannot be solved in the same way.   Sadly, we do not seem to have the will to do that and are unwilling to adequately fund and direct the effort.

What we and the rest of the world are doing is using record-breaking amounts of oil with little thought of the future crises this will produce.   Energy consultants tell us that the third quarter of 2010 showed a record demand for oil -- 88.3 million barrels a day (breaking the old record of 88 million barrels a day).  

Much of the rising demand for oil is due to developing nations increasing their industry and use of automobiles (China's demand is up 8% while India's is up 11%).   Although the developed world still uses the greatest amount of the oil produced, we can expect the developing nations to use an ever larger share.   Obviously this increasing demand cannot be met for much longer.

Peak oil is coming and it is coming ever faster.   Will we (or any other country) be ready?   The odds are against it.   I shudder to think what the future holds.

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