Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Just Released !

Political Cartoon is by Mike Luckovich in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


  1. LOL! So true.

    Whenever I see a teenager (or even a twenty-something) holding on to an iPod size device, furiously pounding on it with their thumbs, it makes me glad that I'm probably the only person under the age of 61 that doesn't own a mobile phone of any type. What a monumental waste of tme!

    I'm not a big fan of Twitter either. Having to limit oneself to 140 characters almost guarantees the same kind of superficiality.

  2. Ted, I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought for sure that my comment about tweeting would have given you an great opening to bash Palin.

    I hope you're not slowing down in your old age ;)


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