Sunday, December 05, 2010

Palin Does Poorly Among The Educated

I found this chart from very interesting.   It seems that among the GOP voters, the more educated they are the less they like Sarah Palin.   No surprise there.


  1. With two majors degrees, I guess that puts me in the "College Voters" category.

    My first choice is still Huckabee. I find it interesting that his appeal is virtually equal among "no college" and "college" types. I'm not sure what that means.

    I could live with Romney, but he wouldn't even be my second choice (though at this point, I'm not sure who my second choice would be).

    Re: Palin - Have you seen Charles Blow's recent op-ed? I think he's on to something.

    What do you think, Ted? Is it time to give the Momma Grizzly a rest until she finally announces (or not)?

  2. No. When she stops trying to screw up this country, I'll lay off her.


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