Saturday, December 04, 2010

Palin - Fraud Or Lawbreaker ?

Teabagger celebrity Sarah Palin has her own "reality" show on television right now -- although there is little actual reality involved in the show.   On the show she tries to portray herself as a nature-loving outdoors girl, even though anyone with half a brain can see that is just not true.   Just living in Alaska (or anywhere else for that matter) does not make a person an outdoors type, and it's obvious that Palin is much more comfortable in high heels than hunting boots.

But through the TV show she persists in trying to maintain the illusion that she is comfortable in outdoors settings.   The series shows her fishing, canoeing, watching bears cavort, and walking through the snow going up a mountain.   That would be fake enough for most, but she takes it to ridiculous levels in Sunday's upcoming show.   If the previews are to be believed, Palin shows her hunting "skills" by tracking a caribou and killing it with a high-powered rifle.

The problem is that Palin is either perpetrating an outrageous fraud on the viewing public, or she has callously broken Alaska law.   While she claims she has been going hunting with her father since she was a little girl, she doesn't seem to know that it is illegal to hunt caribou in Alaska without a hunting license.   And the Alaska Fish and Game Department says there is no record of a hunting license being issued to Sarah Palin in 2010 -- or 2009 or 2008 for that matter.  

So, did Palin actually kill that caribou as the show seems to say?   If she did then she broke the law.   If she didn't then she's lied to the public -- again.   I'm voting for the lie, because she's very good at that and I seriously doubt she could shoot anything more than a few feet away that wasn't penned up or tied down.

How can anyone still have any respect for this fraud?


  1. i guess it's just like her attack on Julian Assange. She thinks he should be hunted down.
    Annie get your gun!

  2. I'd like 15 minutes alone with her.


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