Monday, December 06, 2010

War On Christmas Or Just Dumb ?

People in Southlake (Texas) are all upset over something done by a financial institution in their community.   The community has a branch of Chase Bank, and a few days ago a citizen (Antonio Morales) paid for and erected a christmas tree in the lobby of the bank.   The bank paid nothing -- just allowed the tree to be set up in their lobby.

But that upset someone at their parent company, JPMorgan Chase.   The parent company sent the branch bank an e-mail demanding the tree be taken down because it would offend some people.   A company spokesman, Greg Hassell, said that JPMorgan Chase is not anti-christmas.   He said,   "People wish their customers merry christmas when it's appropriate.   We appreciate the thoughtful gesture from Mr. Morales.   Unfortunately, we're unable to keep it on display for the remainder of the holiday season."   He went on to say that decorations must be "something everyone is comfortable with, regardless of how they celebrate the season."

I have to admit I think the company has overreacted on this matter.   As regular readers of my blog will know, I am an atheist.   But I have never been offended by a christmas tree.   Frankly, most educated people know that decorated trees were used in winter solstice celebrations (along with yule logs) long before christmas came along.   A christmas tree brings to mind Santa Claus and gifts, not Jesus (except for christians).  

As an atheist, I enjoy the Santa side of christmas and don't consider it to be particularly religious symbolism -- just  a symbol of peace, love, and kindness toward your fellow man.   It's something people of many religions (or no religion) can enjoy.  

If it had been a manger scene, I could understand the company's concern.   That is something that really would offend a lot of people who aren't christian.   But it wasn't.   It was just a festively decorated tree -- a non-offensive symbol that all people can enjoy (although I would be careful to keep religious symbols and ornaments off the tree).

I know some fundamentalists will see this as another volley in the war on christmas.   I disagree.   I think this was just an example of a corporate executive overreacting.   It was just dumb.

1 comment:

  1. I really have no problem with Christmas trees since they've pretty much become a secular holiday symbol. This whole War on Christmas business is pretty silly. i wrote about it here:


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