Friday, December 03, 2010

Warrant To Be Issued For Cheney's Arrest

Finally, someone is trying to take legal action against international criminal (and former vice-president) Dick Cheney.   The Nigerian government is in the process of charging Cheney with bribery.   The case stems from the time he was the head of Halliburton (before his election as Bush's vice-president).   They say they will issue a warrant for Cheney's arrest within the next three days and lodge that warrant with Interpol (the international policing agency).

Of course Cheney is in no danger of being arrested in the United States, since this country has a history of ignoring international warrants when the person being accused is a high-ranking official or former official.   The U.S. acts like international laws and the laws of other countries are only to be exercised when the officials are not American.   But this does mean that Cheney could be arrested if he goes abroad in the future.

While Cheney was head of Halliburton, the company and it's affiliate KBR gave $160 million in bribes to Nigerian officials to get a $6 billion pipeline contract.   The bribery has been already traced to a company official who reported directly to Cheney.   Lest anyone think this is a trumped up charge, both Halliburton and KBR have already pled guilty to the bribery (last year) and agreed to pay a $579 million fine.

Of course, this kind of bribery is not only against the law in Nigeria.   It is also a violation of United States law.   But considering the cowardice of the Obama administration Justice Department in failing to hold both Bush and Cheney responsible for ordering torture and other war crimes, I seriously doubt they will attempt to take any action against Cheney for this criminal behavior.

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