Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Future

Political Cartoon is by Matt Bors at Idiot Box.

1 comment:

  1. Climate experts explain to us that global warming and record snowfalls are not incompatible. The moisture added to the atmosphere by the melting icecaps manifests itself in winter as precipitation in the form of more snow.

    That seems plausible...until we examine what those same "experts" were saying barely a decade ago.

    On March 20, 2000, an article appeared in the UK Independent entitled “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past” (here’s a link to the article).

    The author, Charles Onians, quotes Dr. David Viner, a research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (Note: CRU was later to be the source of the “Climategate” emails). Dr. Viner predicted that “within a few years, winter snowfall will become ‘a very rare and exciting event.’”

    “‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,’ he said.”

    I'm sure that's news to the kids in Great Britain.

    And less than two and a half years ago, envrionmentalist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in this September 2008 LA Times op-ed, similarly bemoaned the end of the snowy winters he enjoyed as a child growing up in northern Virginia, blaming it on Big Oil and Sarah Palin, the recently nominated Vice Presidential candidate of the GOP.

    The blizzards in the greater DC area in 2009 later made RFK, Jr. look pretty foolish. This winter, blizzards reached even further south, to Roanoke and Virginia Beach.

    (If you want more details, check out my recent post at that other blog.)

    So, to summarize:

    Q: What causes snowless winters?
    A: Global warming.

    Q: What causes blizzards?
    A: Global warming.

    If we dig further, we'll find the following:

    Q: What causes more hurricanes?
    A: Global warming.

    Q: What causes fewer hurricanes?
    A: Global warming.

    Q: What causes droughts?
    A: Global warming.

    Q: What causes flooding?
    A: Global warming.

    For someone who prides himself in being an atheist, your blind faith in the Global Warm-ongers seems like a pseudoscientific version of "It's God's will": seems to explain everything; actually explains nothing.


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