Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Making A Bad Situation Worse

Most Americans, both on the left and the right, are shocked and in mourning over the shootings in a Tucson suburb.   A federal judge, a congressional aide, a 9 year-old girl, and three people in their seventies were viciously killed (and more than a dozen others were wounded, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords).   I think most of us thought that, without even more deaths, this situation couldn't get any worse.

Well, that was wrong.   It is going to get worse.   The sleazy faux-christians of the Westboro Baptist Church have decided to inject their own very special brand of indecency and hatred on to the citizens of Tucson (and America).   It was bad enough that these morons were disrupting the funerals of American soldiers who had given their lives for their country -- denying their families the right to grieve in peace.

I guess we should have known that these cretins would not pass up any opportunity to get some publicity for their message of hate, and a tragedy like Tucson was too good to be true for these creeps.   They have announced they will be going to Tucson to celebrate the deaths of the innocent people killed there.   I honestly don't understand how the people in this "church" can be as evil as they obviously are.

Here is the flyer they have issued:



  1. I have never wished for the death of any one ever in my life...but them fuckers could all die right now and I'd dance a jig. I know the Goddess is going to get me for that...but it's worth it.

  2. Against my better judgment, I decided to read the diatribe of WBC (I refuse to call them "Baptist" or "Church"). At the risk of trying to make sense out of nonsense, here's my analysis:

    God's aim must be pretty bad. Gunning for a federal judge in Baltimore, He sent a shooter to Tucson and killed another federal judge there. But He must have somehow misdirected the bullet that hit the "fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner" Congresswoman, because she's still alive.

    These people are as stark raving mad as the shooter they believe to be God's messenger.


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