Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Muslims Act To Protect Christians

There is a lot of talk in this country, especially from the right-wing, about how muslims are the enemy of christianity and of this country.   It isn't true, and that was proven in Egypt in the last few days.

Around the new year there were some terrorist strikes against Egypt's christian community, and at least 21 christians were killed in an attack on a church.   Christians demonstrated and it looked for a while like the situation could grow into a religious war.   But then thousands of moderate muslims stepped forward.

These muslims surrounded christian churches -- not to attack them, but to defend them.   They used their own bodies as shields so the christians could attend their religious services without being attacked again by radicals.   The human shields included the two sons of President Hosni Mubarak, some film and music celebrities, and thousands of ordinary muslims.

As an atheist, I don't particularly like any of the world's religions.   However, I have to admire people of faith that are willing to put their own lives on the line for countrymen of a different faith.   That's just class behavior, and should be emulated by people of all faithhs (and those of no religion) everywhere.   This would be a whole lot better world if their were more people like those brave Egyptian muslims.

The muslim-haters in America could learn a lot from these people.

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