Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Pope Is A Hypocrite

After covering up for church pedophile priests for many years, the Pope is again showing himself to be a hypocrite and unworthy of respect as a religious leader.   This time it involves blasphemy laws.

In a new year address, the Pope has called upon Pakistan to repeal its "blasphemy law" -- which has serious penalties for anyone blaspheming the prophet Mohammad.   I agree that the Pakistani law is wrong and an affront to religious freedom, but I have to wonder why the Pope has confined himself to that one law forbidding blasphemy toward the muslim religion.

This is certainly not the only blasphemy law in existence.   In fact, Ireland (a Catholic country) just passed a blasphemy law of its own.   I don't remember the Pope condemning that law.   Evidently he thinks it's OK to punish people with criminal penalties if they blaspheme against his own church, but it's wrong to punish them for blaspheming another religion.

How can anyone still listen to this hypocritical fool?   ALL blasphemy laws are wrong -- no matter what country or what religion.


  1. Sorry but you are wrong.
    The muslim law is wrong because they are lying heathens you are going to HELL and the church cant tell them because the blasphemy laws prevent them. So it is wrong.
    In Ireland the law is there to protect the TRUE faith so it is right and proper.
    Any idiot can see the logic here..

  2. I really hope you're being sarcastic, L.Long...

    Unfortunately it's very common for things like this to happen. Christian people are too used to having their cake and eating it, while others suffer.

  3. L.Long, I really hope you are being sarcastic.

    Hypocrisy and religion are like hot dogs and mustard. Can't have one without the other.


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