Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Scumbag Politician

By now you've probably heard about the 18 adults and teenagers (all of them old enough to know better) who repeatedly raped an 11 year-old girl in East Texas. There is no excuse for this kind of perverted and criminal behavior, and they deserve everything the law sees fit to do to them (which I hope is a very severe prison sentence). But there is someone else who is nearly as sick as those 18 criminals.

Her name is Kathleen Passidomo, and she is a Republican representative in the Florida House of Representatives. Passidomo seems to think the 11 year-old girl brought the attacks on herself because of the way she dressed. And she tried to use this terrible incident as justification for a bill she likes in the Florida Legislature -- a bill that would prohibit Florida school students from "wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner."

Passidomo said, "There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gangraped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed up like a 21-year-old prostitute. And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it's incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn't happen to our students."

I thought our society was starting to get rid of this kind of ridiculous thinking. Rape is never the victim's fault -- no matter how the victim was dressed. The very idea that a man can't control himself because of the way a woman is dressed is ludicrous, and thankfully is something that most of our courts won't even listen to anymore. This kind of thinking should have been left in the 19th Century (even though it was wrong then too).

But to blame an 11 year-old for her rape takes that kind of thinking to a new low. Let me be very clear. I don't care if an 11 year-old walks naked through the middle of town, any adult who touches her in a sexual way is a perverted criminal and should be severely punished.

I've seen some scummy politicians (actually a lot of them), but Passidomo blaming an 11 year-old rape victim for the crime committed against her is a new low even for scummy politicians. Come on Republicans, I know you like your nut-jobs but don't you have any standards for your politicians at all? Do you really want a rape and pedophile enabler representing you?


  1. Obviously it was her fault!
    She did not have a tent on covering everything with her eyes shaded by a heavy net. Its not the males (they are not men) fault as they will become over excited by the sight of small breast barely pushing on a shirt. Of course this is total nonsense but too many people everywhere believe this.

  2. I'd like to kick her ass...but before that I'd like to ask her about all the muslim women that get raped and they're covered from head to foot.


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