Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is Teabagger "Movement" Dying Out ?

A year ago the teabaggers didn't have a problem drawing a crowd of upset people (although they usually inflated the size of those crowds -- especially on Fox News). But the movement, if it can be called that since it was a top-down effort funded by rich right-wingers (like the Koch brothers), doesn't seem to have the drawing power it once had. Consider the recent teabagger convention held in Florida.

It was called the Save America Convention and it was held in Tampa this last weekend. The convention, tailored to appeal to teabaggers, featured some 25 speakers (like Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Fox News pundit Andrew Napolitano). It also had 13 musicians and performers that appeared for the entertainment of the crowd.

The only problem was that there was no real crowd. About 300 people showed up in a hall rented to hold many times that number (see above picture). They were obviously counting on a much bigger crowd than what they were able to draw. Has the teabagger "movement" run its course? Is it now fading into history to take its place beside the Luddites and the Know-Nothings (other notable movements of ignorance)?

I hope so. They have been very irritating (and not nearly as powerful as they dreamed they were) -- kind of like a flea on the backside of America.

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