Tuesday, March 01, 2011

A Joke Or The Truth ?

It seems that the best humor has a lot of truth in it. That's what makes it funny. I got the following joke from fellow blogger (and friend) CPMAZ over at Random Musings. I don't know where he got it. But it's very funny and has more than a nugget of truth in it:

A unionized public employee, a Tea Bagger, and a CEO are seated at a table. In the center of the table is a plate holding a dozen cookies. The CEO reaches across and takes eleven cookies. He looks at the Tea Bagger and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he's going to want part of your cookie".

1 comment:

  1. Who baked the cookies?

    Who paid for the ingredients?

    Whose oven were they baked in?

    Inquiring minds want to know!


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