Friday, March 11, 2011

The New McCarthyism

Back in the 1950s this country was torn apart by a hatemonger -- Joe McCarthy. The senator destroyed a lot of lives of innocent American citizens with unfounded accusations. It was destruction by suspicion and it turned Americans against each other because of fear. McCarthy's road to power was fear -- by accusing other Americans of political treachery (being communists). Now history is repeating itself.

The new McCarthy is Rep. Peter King (pictured). His fearmongering is not based on politics but religion. He believes that muslims cannot be trusted and are all anti-Americans bent on destroying this country. The very idea is ludicrous, but his fellow Republicans have given him a House committee and tacit permission to hold hearing on the "muslim threat".

There is little doubt that his aim is to marginalize muslims in America. He has even said that there are "too many mosques" in this country. His hearings are to label American muslims as either terrorists or terrorist sympathizers, and to turn his fellow Americans against them. Sadly, he will probably succeed in getting bigots riled up and attacking their fellow citizens simply because of their religion.

Many Japanese-Americans are beginning to come forward. They are disturbed by King's actions, saying it is remniscent of the treatment their own ancestors received during World War II (when many loyal Japanese-Americans were sent to American concentration camps). They are right. This is exactly the same sort of bigoted hatred against innocent and loyal Americans.

If King were investigating terrorism, he might be justified in holding the hearings. But he's not. He's only interested in demonizing muslims. The fact is that nearly twice as many terrorist acts in this country have been committed by non-muslims than by muslims (80 by non-muslims and 45 by muslims). Why aren't the non-muslims being investigated? Because this is not a real investigation of terrorism -- it is a vile and hateful religious bigotry.

Making matters even worse is that Rep. King is himself a supporter of terrorists. During the Irish troubles, he was an out-spoken supporter of the Irish Republican Army -- while they were bombing and shooting British troops and innocent Irish citizens. He says that's different because the IRA never attacked America. I fail to see the difference. The murder of innocent citizens is terrorism and is wrong no matter where it happens.

King should slither back under his rock and spend the rest of his days living in shame. His actions are hurting the country he claims to love. His actions are inexcusable.

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