Saturday, April 02, 2011

It's NOT A Dirty Word, Morons !

Sometimes I wonder just how ridiculous Republicans can get. They ignore a ton of things that could make life better for Americans, and make a huge issue out of things that really don't matter. Take for instance the Republican-controlled Florida legislature.

The Republican members of that legislature are upset at the language used by a Democrat speaking on the floor of the House. In fact, they are so upset that the House GOP leadership has told the Democrats that the language of Rep. Scott Randolph (D-Orlando) was not appropriate and cannot be used again.

GOP spokeswoman Katie Betta said, "The Speaker has been clear about his expectations for conduct on the House for during debate. At one point during the debate, he mentioned to the entire House that members of both parties needed to be mindful of decorum during debate. Additionally, the Speaker believes it is important for all members to be mindful of and respectful to visitors and guests, particularly the young pages and messengers who are seated in the chamber during debates."

And just what was the terrible word the Democrat used, the word that was too rough for the tender ears of the pages and messengers? That word was -- prepare yourselves -- uterus! That's right, he had the temerity to actually use the medically-correct term for part of a woman's body.

I am left to wonder when the word "uterus" became a dirty word. It is not street language or slang, and no court in the country would consider it obscene. It is the appropriate and medically-correct term for that body part. And although my children are grown now, there wasn't a time in their lives at any age that I would have been horrified for them to hear that word. I think the word only becomes dirty when it enters the filthy mind of a Republican politician.

After the Republicans threw their hissy fit, Randolph said, "The point was that Republicans are always talking about deregulation and big government. And I always say their philosophy is small government for the big guy and big government for the little guy. And so, if my wife's uterus was incorporated or my friend's bedroom was incorporated, maybe they (Republicans) would be talking about deregulating. It's not like I used slang"

And regarding the delicate ears of the "pages and messengers" Randolph went on to say, "I think it's a sad commentary about what we think about sex education in the state." Of course, he's right. This is a term all those pages and messengers should have learned in a school health class. But then most Republicans don't want young people to learn about sex or their bodies in school. I guess they think that's more appropriately learned on the streets.

It makes me wonder what would have happened if he had used the word "vagina". Would they have stoned him? Probably.

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