Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Rich Get Even Richer

Amazingly, here in the middle of this recession, some people still believe in the Republican "trickle-down" economic theory. They obviously aren't living in the real world -- or they're among the super-rich. In case there was any doubt in your mind as to who that failed theory really benefits, consider the following facts found at Think Progress:

* Median CEO pay climbed by 27% in 2010.

* Median CEO salary in 2010 was $9 million.

* Median CEO bonus in 2010 was $2.2 million.

Meanwhile, in the rest of America, there are about 16 million people who are out of work and another 8.4 million who are working part-time because full-time work is not available. Poverty rates are climbing and the number of those needing food stamp assistance grows each month. And housing prices are once again tumbling while foreclosures remain at record highs.

Then you have the numbers for family wealth and worker pay. Family wealth is currently down about $12.8 trillion from its high point in early 2007. Workers didn't quite match the huge rise in CEO pay. Private industry workers saw their pay climb a measly 2.1% in 2010.

Isn't it time to dump the Republican economic policies?


  1. We are long overdue from dumping Republican economics---their policies should never have been adopted in the first place!

  2. But the poverty,loss of houses and jobs are not that important.
    As long as the near and far left push for equality of races and sexes, and religious tolerance, and that women should have the control of their bodies, and only SCIENCE is in science classes...60%+ of the voters will vote for the wingnuts. And the republican policies of making the rich richer and who cares about anyone else will continue.

  3. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I've decided that a big part of the problem is that most people simply do not understand the differences between liberal and conservative economic policies. In part, this is because we on the left have been lousy at explaining the differences. And in part, it is because the conservatives conceal their policies behind various wedge issues because they know how unpopular their policies would be if people understood them.

  4. Vjack,
    That is a very accurate observation.


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