Sunday, May 01, 2011

Corporate Tax Dodgers

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  1. Pro-corporate pundits seem to believe that taxation = Holocaust, so it's not surprising the're trying to avoid it:

    "In a speech to New Hampshire Republicans, Bachmann recounted learning about a horrific time in history as a child — the Holocaust — and wondering if her mother did anything to stop it. She said she was shocked to hear that many Americans weren't aware that millions of Jews had died until after World War II ended.

    Bachmann said the next generation will ask similar questions about what their elders did to prevent them from facing a huge tax burden.

    "I tell you this story because I think in our day and time, there is no analogy to that horrific action," she said, referring to the Holocaust. "But only to say, we are seeing eclipsed in front of our eyes a similar death and a similar taking away. It is this disenfranchisement that I think we have to answer to.""

    (link via PZ Myers)

  2. you are tallking about GE, aren't you? Made a record $50 billion in profits and paid ZERO tax.


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