Monday, May 02, 2011

He's Dead !

On September 11, 2001 several airliners were hijacked. Two of them were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City and another hit the Pentagon. On another, the passengers fought back and were killed when the plane crashed. More than 3,000 Americans were killed that day.

It did not take long for the government to figure out who did it. It was organized, financed and carried out by an organization called al-Queda. This organization was founded and headed by a Saudi citizen named Osama bin-Laden (pictured). In 2001, President George Bush promised all Americans that Osama bin-Laden would be brought to justice, and in an effort to do that he invaded Afghanistan (where we still are trying to fight Taliban insurgents). That country was invaded because they allowed al-Queda to live and train there.

But Bush lost sight of that goal. He had always wanted to invade Iraq and used the 9/11 disaster to invade that country (even though Iraq's leader hated bin-Laden and had nothing to do with the attack on America). After getting bogged down in two wars, Bush put the capture or killing of Osama bin-Laden on the back-burner, and when he left office in 2008 it still had not been accomplished. It was one of many failures of the Bush administration.

It now looks like the Obama administration has completed the mission for all Americans. American forces found Osama bin-Laden living in luxury in a mansion near Islamabad with his family (and not in an Afghani cave as was previously suggested). The terrorist leader was killed and his body has been positively identified by U.S. forces. CNN is reporting this was a human military operation -- not a drone attack.

I don't usually celebrate the death of any person, but I have to admit I am not upset at this good news. The man was a mass murderer. I wish we could have put him on trial, but at least he is no longer at large. And 9/11 has been avenged. Those are good things.

This does not mean that terrorism is no longer a threat. In fact, there may be reprisals for this death. But this is something that needed to happen and is long overdue. I congratulate the U.S. forces that accomplished this mission and the Obama administration that was not afraid to authorize it (even near the Pakistani capital). Well done!


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