Monday, May 16, 2011

Huckabee's Out - Who Benefits ?

Now that Mike Huckabee has announced he will not be seeking the Republican presidential nomination the question many of us have asked is who benefits the most from that. I said yesterday that I thought the far-right fringe candidates would benefit more than Romney (who has gained no traction with fundamentalists or teabaggers). It looks like Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight blog agrees. He awarded candidates points in six different categories where Huckabee was strong and came up with the results shown in the chart above. He thinks the candidates most likely to benefit are Cain, Palin, Bachmann, and Gingrich -- and possibly Pawlenty, Santorum, and Paul. Candidates that will not be helped are Romney, Trump, Johnson, Giuliani, and Huntsman.


  1. some one has a picture of him with a teenage boy made up to look like Sarah Palin..
    who wins? President Obama

  2. One down, and a bunch more to follow. Though Obama is far from perfect, he is light years ahead of the rest of these morons!

  3. I just read that Trump has bowed out now, too. Too bad in a way; he was entertaining while he lasted.

    I've heard several theories about why Huckabee decided not to run. All of them were plausible: making too much money now, couldn't beat Obama, too much baggage from his Arkansas days (tax increases, pardons), not enough fire in the belly.

    But the one that makes the most sense to me is this: he'd have to spend all his waking hours raising money.

    Huckabee loves a good campaign (shaking hands, kissing babies, rubber chicken dinners), but from everything I've heard, he absolutely hates raising money. And with Obama expected to raise another billion-dollar war chest, whoever gets the GOP nomination will have to be a real cash cow.

  4. You may be right this time, CT.

  5. Thistime??

    I thought I was right almost all the time! ;)


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