Saturday, May 21, 2011

Israel Is The Obstruction To Peace

In the 1967 Arab/Israeli War the state of Israel seized the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula. The Sinai was returned to Egypt as a result of the peace agreement brokered by President Carter. Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981 even though the move was condemned by the international community (and the land is still claimed by Syria).

But those are side issues. The real key to Mideast peace is what happens to the West Bank and Gaza. Most of the world, including the United States, thinks these two pieces of land (all of them) should form a Palestinian state. In fact, President Obama has just followed the lead of previous U.S. presidents and announced that this Palestinian state should be established using the borders in place before the 1967 war. This makes imminent sense and would be fair to both sides.

But the Israelis want no part of such an agreement. For many years now they have been establishing illegal Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory and recently announced plans for more settlements to be built there. And even though these settlements have all been built in violation of international law, Israel has no intention of returning any of the land they have stolen to build the settlements. Netanyahu admitted this after his discussions with President Obama -- Israel will not go back to the 1967 borders and give up any of the illegal settlements.

This is the real obstruction to Mideast peace talks. Israel likes to claim that it is the Palestinians who are blocking negotiations by refusing to recognize Israel's right to exist. But most Palestinians do recognize that right and the rest have said they are willing to negotiate it (in return for a Palestinian state). The only thing that is beyond negotiation is the Israelis keeping the land they have stolen, and it is Israel who refuses to negotiate that (because they have no intention of giving any of it back).

There will be no peace talks for a while because Israel doesn't want any talks. They will not agree to any talks until they have finished stealing all the Palestinian land they think they can get away with -- and even then they will only agree to negotiate if they are assured they can keep the stolen land.

America has always been a supporter of Israel (probably because of a lingering guilt over actions not taken in World War II). But America needs to re-examine that support in the light of today's reality. Israel is no longer the victim. They are aggressors now -- who not only continue to steal Palestinian land, but keep the Palestinian territories as virtual ghettos where poverty and want are rampant.

It is time for the United States to act. The U.S. needs to cut off all foreign aid to Israel until it agrees to return to the peace table and negotiate with whatever representatives the Palestinians choose to represent them -- and the illegal settlements should be part of the negotiated settlement. Until the U.S. acts the Israeli's will just continue to delay and to steal more land.

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