Saturday, May 21, 2011

Muhammad (Mohammed?) - A Drawing

I have been accused in the past of picking on christianity, and it is true that as an atheist American I tend to talk more about christianity than other religions. That is because christianity is without a doubt the dominant religion in the community, state, and nation where I live. But the truth is that I don't consider any religion either better or worse than any other religion, so in the interest of fairness I am including this drawing of the "prophet" Muhammad.

Yesterday was the unofficial "draw Muhammad" day, and on the site of The Friendly Atheist there was a whole slew of drawings of Muhammad featured (making fun of the fact that for muslims it is considered a sin to draw a picture of him).

I picked this picture out of many to feature not because of its artistic value -- it really doesn't have any (it's a stick figure drawing!), but because of the sentiment attached. It's really stupid to think it's OK to kill someone for drawing a picture (or writing a book, or burning a book, etc.). People of all religions are far too concerned about "sacrilege" -- an intentional disrespect for god(s), religious people or objects, or a religion.

I take this opportunity to remind people that in the United States sacrilege is protected by the Constitution. The first amendment protects freedom of religion, and freedom of religion is meaningless without also including the right to be free from religion (and act in ways that some might consider sacrilegious). All Americans have the right to practice any religion they want, and all Americans have the right to not believe in or practice any religion at all.

We also have the right to talk in favor of or against any religion -- it's called the right to free speech (also in the Constitution). I urge everyone to practice their free speech and religious freedom rights -- just don't try to force your views on others.

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