Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Perspective On Oil

Sometimes people seem to act like we've always had oil and always will. The Republicans assure us that all we need to do is drill more and our energy problems will be solved. That's not only short-sighted -- it's wrong. The truth is that we've had a short but glorious run with oil, but it's nearly over -- whether we like it or not. If we have not yet reached the point of "peak oil" (the point where production begins to fall no matter how much drilling is done), then we are very close to it. It's time to change our energy priorities and find something new (and hopefully renewable) -- either that or kiss our way of life good-bye. Chart is from the pages of the excellent blog Newshoggers.


  1. yeah lets all go back to riding horses, or walking.

  2. Oil, as today's predominant industry, is behaving as piggishly as the railroad industry did 120 years ago, when IT was the predominant industry. The self-centered capitalistmind hasn't progressed one bit in more than a century, and it never will. That's why I'm an American Dissident.

  3. Is that your only solution, Nonny? You should be ashamed to even make such an ignorant statement.


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