Friday, June 03, 2011

Republican Field - Unimpressive

I have posted before about how Republicans are disappointed in the choices being offered to them for a presidential candidate. About twice as many are unhappy with the current choices they have than were unhappy at this time in 2007. And it looks like the population in general is not any more impressed with the Republican candidates that the party voters are.

The Pew Research Center, in conjunction with the Washington Post, did a fun little survey regarding the Republican candidates. The survey was conducted May 26th through May 29th of 1000 adults. Instead of asking which candidate they preferred, the poll takers just asked for one word to describe the Republican field of candidates. The responses were not good.

About 44% of all respondents used a negative word to describe the field of candidates, while 19% used neutral words and only 12% used positive words. It was not much better when only Republican replies were considered. About 37% of Republicans chose a negative word, while 22% chose a positive word and 18% a neutral word.

Here are the most popular choices (actual replies - not percentages), with Republican replies in parentheses:

Unimpressed...............42 - (17)
Disappointed...............21 - (13)
Weak...............21 - (11)
Good...............18 - (11)
Incompetent...............17 - (4)
Pathetic...............16 - (7)
Not interested...............14 - (4)
Unqualified...............14 - (2)
Idiots...............13 - (1)
Poor...............12 - (2)
Confused...............11 - (7)
Hopeful...............10 - (8)
Interesting...............10 - (5)
Mediocre...............10 - (4)

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