Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A Stupid Question

Political Cartoon is by Lee Judge in the Kansas City Star.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, sort of. Being more of a "less is more" type as it relates to government, I am sensitive to how poorly those of like mind express their opinion on this topic. This cartoon perfectly captures how ineffective their messaging is. If I may indulge myself, I'd like to share my perspective. It isn't ONLY that government confiscates and spends too much of the money private citizen earn. I look at it from a "value" point of view. To me, the problem is that we don't get value for our money. It is pretty much inarguable at this point that government is catastrophically wasteful and inefficient in every single thing they do. Even our military, the most powerful in the history of earth, is probably embarrasingly inefficient financially. So, it isn't that government doesn't "do" anything for me, its that government doesn't do anything for me well. If you are running a household on a budget, as most do, and you ask a family member to go to the store to purchase some necessary food/supplies, how would you feel if your shopper returned home having purchased 5 of every single item in the store? Yes, you would have the items you need, but you would also have spent a ridiculous amount of money on items of no value to you. And before someone suggests "return", please. When the federal government goes shopping, there are no returns.

    So, thanks for the opportunity to get on my soapbox!


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