Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Greece Stops The "Freedom Flotilla"

Last year the Israelis attacked a peaceful convoy of boats trying to bring peaceful supplies to the people of Gaza. They were trying to stop the illegal blockade of Gaza by the Israelis (who are trying to starve Gaza into submission). Israeli commandos killed several of the activists on the boats, including one American -- even though the ships were carrying no weapons or anything that could be made into a weapon.

Recently, peace and human rights activists organized a new "Freedom Flotilla". This new convoy of ships is also manned by unarmed people and carrying no weapons. The purpose is to expose the inhuman blockade of Gaza being perpetrated by Israel. But it looks like the Israelis, burned by the bad publicity they received after attacking the flotilla last year, have come up with a new tack to stop the flotilla.

The Israelis have made some kind of deal with the Greek government to stop the ships before they can even get out of the harbor. Last Friday the American ship, the Audacity of Hope, was stopped by the Greek government as it tried to leave. The ship was forced to return and its captain was arrested. He was charged with "setting sail without permission" and "endangering the lives of passengers".

These are obviously trumped up charges, since all the passengers are activists who know well the dangers of sailing to Gaza and there is no logical reason to deny the ship permission to leave Greece.

Yesterday, a second ship in the flotilla tried to sail out of the Greek harbor in Crete -- the Canadian ship Tahrir. This ship was also stopped by the Greek Coast Guard (and damaged while being towed back into the harbor). The Canadian ship is pictured above (after being forced back to the harbor dock).

Why are the Greeks doing this? Have they made some kind of deal with the Israeli government? Is some of the billions of dollars the U.S. sends to Israel being diverted to Greece (which has serious economic problems)? Or has some other kind of deal been done (like helping Greece in some future conflict with Turkey)? The whole situation stinks.

Meanwhile, the blockade continues and the people of Gaza, at least half of whom are children under the age of 18, must go without adequate food, medical supplies, and other necessary basics. The Israelis claim the blockade is to prevent weapons from being shipped to Gaza. But if that was true, there would be no reason to stop/attack ships that are known to not be carrying weapons -- only humanitarian supplies. The real reason for the blockade is to starve the Gaza population into doing what the Israelis want -- to elect pro-Israel leaders.

Israel is not an innocent victim as some people seem to think. It is the bully, and most of its victims are children. It is time for the world to demand that Israel follow international law and cease the blockade.

And the Greeks should just be ashamed of themselves.

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