Saturday, July 09, 2011

War - An Established American Value

From the blog of Yellowdog Granny.

1 comment:

  1. When I volunteered for the Army in 1972, I asked myself, "What are the odds of finishing a 20-year career without having to fire a shot in anger?" Up to that point, there had only been about a three-year window: between November 12, 1918 and December 6, 1921. But I took my chances anyway.

    As it turned out, Vietnam was winding down when I enlisted, and Grenada and Panama were over so quickly, I wasn't even in the running. The closest I got to Desert Storm was a waiting list for a short course in Arabic.

    When I compare my charmed career (9 years in Germany on civilian clothing status; 8 1/2 years in Monterey, California) to what soldiers have to endure today, I almost feel guilty about drawing my military retirement pay.



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