Monday, September 12, 2011

The Assassin

Political Cartoon is by Mike Luckovich in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


  1. Political cartoons are fun. Since Thomas Nast, they've been used to distill a political point of view into a few poignant images.

    Here's another cartoon from late 2008 with an entirely different take on the topic.

  2. From Governor Perry's September 12, 2011 op-ed in USA Today:

    "Americans must come together and agree to address the problems so today's beneficiaries and tomorrow's retirees really can count on Social Security for the long haul."

    "We must have a frank, honest national conversation about fixing Social Security to protect benefits for those at or near retirement while keeping faith with younger generations, who are being asked to pay."

    Does that sound like someone who wants to "kill" Social Security?

    If we don't acknowledge the inherent problems with Social Security caused by a burgeoning cohort of retirees and a dwindling cohort of workers paying into the system, no one will have to "kill" Social Security - it'll die from benign neglect.

  3. Yes, Rick Perry does sound like an opponent of social security - especially when you don't cherry pick quotes from him. Remember he also called it an unconstitutional ponzi scheme.

    The truth is that social security can go another 25 years paying full benefits without anything being done. After that it could pay 75% of benefits, and that could be easily fixed by having all Americans pay the same percentage in FICA taxes. And that fix would last for many decades at the very least.


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