Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Only Tax Cut Republicans Hate

Political Cartoon is by Mike Keefe in The Denver Post.


  1. It's funny... both myself and my wife are considered "working class" and I can't think of anyone more destructive to the working class than Obama. His all out war on private business is what as kept this economy from recovering. Now before you go nuts, I know, he didn't create the problem... that was Mr. Bush. But Obama, like FDR has deepened and lengthened this recession due to the fact that he won't get his boot of the neck of the private sector. Meanwhile, his buddy Jeff Imelt continues to send jobs to China.

  2. If you're really working class, why do you vote for the party of the rich?

  3. My guess - I'd assume that his views and opinions align more so with the Republicans, rather than the Democrats.

    Although we are in a tremendous amount of debt, as well as a recession, we should not act rashly to come up with a "quick fix" - there isn't one.

    Instead of blaming one party or another for our current situation,lets work TOGETHER, and put a plan into action that will work actually work, not just appease the masses.

  4. I vote for the party of the rich? You might want to do a salary check on US senators. I have a news flash, ALL of Congress and their lobbyist buddies are rich and they are perfectly happy with you and I being divided. George Soros, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, Jeffery Imelt, Oprah Winfrey, Hollywood in general? My favorite is Mikey Moore. The man has a net worth of $50 million dollars yet makes a movie railing capitalism and doesn't even employ union workers. And yet not one of these guys voluntarily pays more in taxes even though the IRS has provided that vehicle on their website. If you believe something is morally right, you do it, you don't wait for legislation. I don't sleep with my neighbors wife because it is morally wrong. I don't need to wait for Congress to pass a law telling me that. And you might also be curious to know how much wealth Congress has earned during this recession. Congress is protected from insider trading laws. Congress, both reps and dems are increasing their wealth during a time when MOST Americans are losing it. Odd huh?

    Personally, they way I vote is based strictly on who I think will be the least intrusive in my daily life. I don't want government in my bedroom, nor do I want government telling me what kind of a light bulb to use. Our liberties are being lost. And yes, that includes the Patriot Act.

    It should also be known that most conservatives such as myself are not against things like the FDA or EPA as concepts, but rather they should be done at the state level. The way this country was conceived is that states would have the majority of the rights. They would be "laboratories of ideas". If ideas were great, the would be adopted by other states. Or if you didn't like the way things were in your state, you could move to another state. Instead, we have government so far up our butts that even the best of ideas cost far more than they should to implement because of the overhead, waste, lobbying, paybacks, etc. So if you want gay marriage or unions, go for it, I'm totally cool with it, just not at the Federal level.

    Also, who does Obama surround himself with? Bankers, Corporate Executives, high power attorneys etc. If you think the Democrats are exempt from corruption, cronyism, and nepotism, you are naive. There is VERY little difference between the Reps and Dems theses days. This notion that Obama is for the blue collar worker is a scam and one that has been perpetuated for decades (in general) in order to secure a voting block. It all comes down to, "vote for me and this is what I can get you". But you know what? I don't want anything other than to be left alone. I will carve my own path on my own merit. And when I'm down, I will turn to a church or mission that spends about $.98 of every dollar on the person in need vs. the giant bloated government sucking up all of our entitlement money to fund "payback" jobs to people in communities outside of our own letting the recipient without.

    You don't get it... I'm not anti-Democrat. I'm anti-giant, bloated, runaway Government. The side of the aisle makes no difference to me.


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