Saturday, October 15, 2011

Message To The Haters From The 99%

Found at the blog of Yellowdog Granny.

1 comment:

  1. Don't confuse tough love with hatred.

    Which is the more compassionate thing to do?

    1) Share with young people that you overcame hard times when you were young and that they can too, then offer hope by pointing out ways that they can do the same in their own unique circumstances; or

    2) Feed into the negativism that's inherent in most young people (myself included when I was young) and tell them that their lot in life is hopeless unless the evil, greedy corporations are brought to their knees.

    By the way, what is OWS trying to accomplish, anyway? And by what means? Last week, you quoted Van Jones, saying "The young heroes on Wall Street today baffle the world because they have issued no demands."

    How will we know when OWS has succeeded in accomplishing what they're trying to do?


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