Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Safer Than Peanuts

Marijuana is the safest drug on Earth -- safer than even some of our food. But it is not the drug of choice for those in power, so it must be labeled as evil. The government has spent untold millions of dollars to control and eradicate this gentle herb that hurts no one. Isn't it time we stop wasting that money -- especially now that we are in the middle of a recession. We should legalize marijuana. It would not only allow us to stop criminalizing otherwise innocent and hard-working people, but it would also create jobs and income for many and give a new and needed source of tax revenue for government.


  1. The only problem here is that out of the entire list only homicide and marijuana are illegal. If as many people used marijuana as used peanuts then the comparison would be worth something

  2. I call BS. There is no source cited for any of those statistics.

  3. Evandor - show us one occurrence to prove differently..I believe the US could be debt free if they would legalize this drug and dispense and regulate it via government agencies! All of that marijuana sitting in the evidence vaults - is just going to waste, kill the tax and let us buy our weed back!!

  4. you have to take into consideration the fact that the peanut related deaths were because the people were ALLERGIC to them.

    Also, that's one of my biggest problems with the arguments for legalizing marijuana- sure it's true that nobody dies from smoking weed because you can't technically OD- but what you can die from is the effects of inhaling hydrocarbons which are present in ANY smoke from combusted material. The chemical THC has supposedly been proven to help with cancer but not the smoke itself. But maybe that will just even itself out haha.

    it boils down to weed should be legal because people should have the freedom to smoke it if they want, and that goes for every other drug.


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