Friday, November 18, 2011

Americans Beginning To Accept Reality

Americans are generally a pretty optimistic people. Even when things go wrong, most people think they will improve soon. This was shown back in 2009 with a CNN/ORC Poll. Even after more than a year of recession and the loss of millions of jobs, most people that were polled believed that things would be going well in America in another year. About 63% of the people believed that.

I think at that time (November of 2009) people may have thought the politicians in Washington would act to cure the economy and create jobs. They were wrong. While a few politicians tried to do something, most (especially the Republicans) were much more interested in the 2010 and 2012 elections than in fixing the economy or putting people back to work.

When the poll was done again in November of 2010, about 55% of the people thought things would be going well in another year. After all, they had shaken things up in the election that year. Surely the politicians had paid attention to their growing anger. But they were wrong agin. The politicians either misread the message being sent, or they simply didn't care. Nothing was done to fix the economy or create jobs, and the politicians actually cut programs that were helping hurting Americans.

Well, it's November again, and CNN has again done that same poll. But the people are starting to realize that no one in Washington is helping and it's going to be a long time before things get better. This time, only 44% said things would be a lot better next year. I'll bet when the poll is done again next November that will have dropped down into the 30's.

Americans may be optimistic, but most of them aren't stupid. They're finally beginning to realize they've been duped and sold out by the corporate-owned politicians.

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